Khadim Hussain Soomro's UN Speech: Role of Sindh for Interfaith harmony

Honourable Chairman, delegates, ladies and gentlemen
Haq Mojood (Long Live Truth)
For thousand of years religions have been a guide for human beings and have played a vital role in the welfare of society. But when they expanded, their wrong interpretations have had negative effects on human beings. Kings, imperialist and the capitalist class used religions for their own purposes. It created hatred and religious fanaticism and became the main tool of bloodshed, plundering and injustice. Also the alliance of clergy and kings for their petty issues spoiled the basic message and essence of the religions. All religions are reality and truth. The message and fabric of all religions are one and the same that is uprightness and good will. There is no danger in Christianity, Islam, Hindu Dharm and Judaism. Only self-interested people use religious slogans for their personal interests.
In all religions values are very essential but imperialism and capitalism ignore this.
I am proud that through the centuries, my motherland Sindh played a vital role for multi-cultural society, interfaith harmony and the unity of human beings.
There are two schools of thoughts in Muslims.
Wahadatul Wajood ------ Pantheism Wahadatul Shuhood --- Patheism
Wahadatul Shuhoodi Muslims sought the protection and security of the Muslims on the basis of their faith, whereas Wahadatul Wajoodi Muslims’ tradition is based on humanism which gives more importance to human values and tolerance instead of values for a particular community.
Before the advent of Islam in Sindh, the population of Sindh followed the Vedanta philosophy which established a culture free from religious dogmatism, fanaticism and tolerance. The Sindhi Hindus who migrated to India in the aftermath of the 1947 partition were considered by the Indian Hindus to be more influenced by Islamic way of life because they were followers of the Vedanta way of philosophy.
Sindh was a unique place in the Asian subcontinent where religious riots, looting and bloodshed could not take place due to Sindh’s adherence to philosophy of Sindh's Vedanta culture.
The great poet of Sindh and a sociologist, Shah Abdul Latif, in his verse guided the human beings. He wrote:
There is a great sign for men In the manner the birds live and move in flocks
They don’t sever the bonds They foster love and co-existence.
(Shah Latif)
Mystics played a vital role for human harmony and gave us a lesson
that God is one and for all. As Shah Latif says:
Unity to diversity led, Unity’s outcome Truth is one, be not forgetful of this
I swear, existence tumulus glamour His reflection

In another verse Shah Latif says:
Echo and sound are one and the same, Language’s twist and turn understand
Both were one, hearing has much difference made.
One more verse of Shah Latif about oneness:
Thy countless manifestations, nay innumerable ones,
The same spirit resides in all, manifestations change,
Beloved, which of your signs to describe, how to relate.
Sindh’s message is: Religion is a personal affair of everyone.
And No religion is higher than humanity
During twentieth century three great scions of Sindh G.M. Sayed, Sayed Sibghatullah Shah Pir Pagaro and Allah Bux Soomro struggled for this message and devoted and sacrificed their lives for interfaith harmony. I want to present their views.
Mr. G.M. Sayed was a champion of the rights of oppressed nations and a messenger of human harmony. For his bold views he came under the wrath of rulers and was detained in prison or solitary confinement for more than thirty years up to his last breath. The following views he presented at the World Peace Conference, Vienna, 1952.
This conference, Mr. Chairman, is endeavouring to advance the cause of peace and I would like to emphasise to the delegates of this conference in general and to those from U.K. and America in particular that the efforts of the American and U.K. governments wanting to unite the Muslims on the basis of their so-called religious beliefs are fraught with dangerous possibilities. Let them know that it is due to this patronage that religious bigotry, fanaticism and fascist tendencies are being advanced and strengthened and it is due to this patronage that the Middle Eastern countries are moving away from democracy and civil society. Unquote
Sayed Sibghatullah Shah Pir Pagaro was the spiritual leader of Hurs. He launched struggle against the mighty British Empire and was put on the gallows at the age of 34 years. Following are his views about interfaith harmony.
My forefathers “he wrote, “Treated Hindus and Muslims alike as a sacred trust. The same is my principle… Allah is the same as Parmatma, though with different names. I will be happy when I see temples and mosques together with only a wall dividing them and everyone (worshipping) according to their rights so that no one may have a grievance against the other. Unquote
Mr. Allah Bux Soomro was the Premier of Sindh during the British era. He was a great nationalist and champion of interfaith harmony. Due to his firm stand for the freedom of subcontinent, he was dismissed from the Premiership by Governor of Sindh, Sir Hugh Dow. Following are his views.
He warned his audience “that aggressive communalism was fatal to the growth of that feeling to brotherliness, good neighbourliness and common nationality which were essential, not merely for the acceleration of a common national effort but also for the maintenance of an atmosphere of peace, progress and stability in the country. Unquote
During the 20th century communalism was appreciated by the imperialist countries and they used this weapon for their interests. But after the Cold War fanatic organizations and fanaticism is being declared by the West as a danger for entire world. And they are claiming that they are fighting against mega terrorism. But their method is tribal. They totally ignore the route causes of this bloodshed and massacre and, as a result, love is replaced by hatred and peace by violence.
I think there is no ‘clash of civilisations’ and religions but it is a clash of the imperialist class of various religions. And they are using religious bigotry for their vested interests.
Until and unless the imperialist class realises that they must play a positive role for interfaith harmony, the religious bigotry day by day will raise and human beings will suffer continuously.
To this august gathering, I am quoting two verses of Shah Latif:
Let us go to the weavers, who possess such subtle love,
That connect all the day, never learnt they to disconnect.
Friends! Kingship I compare not with the needle,
Needle covers naked ones it remains uncovered,
Die and be born again to know needle’s worth.

Long Live Humanity
Speech by: Khadim Hussain Soomro Geneva,Switzerland TWENTY-FIFTH March 2008 Arranged by Interfaith International
At room Twenty-seventh of UN Office Buildi

Khadim Hussain Soomro's UN Speech : Human Dignity: A way to peace and prosperity

Haq Moojod (Long Live Truth)

Human beings’ long journey from polytheism to monotheism has created many schools of thought. But their spirit and message is one and the same, that is welfare of the society and human harmony.

A great anthropologist, sociologist and great poet of Sindh Shah Abdul Latif narrated as under:

One Palace, doors in millions, windows innumerable,

I look from one or all; behold! The Lord is one!

Baba Guru Nanak was a spiritual mentor and a preacher of love and tolerance. In his following saying he speaks of one message.

Ram, Rahim, Quran, Puran speak of one message.

The question is in the presence of a clear message of interfaith harmony and human harmony by messengers, Rishis and saints, why is there a clash among them? They killed millions of people and they destroyed property of trillions with the claim of superiority of their religion.

I feel many factors are responsible for that but three of them are very much important.

1 Kings and clergy 2. Wrong interpretations of faiths 3 Colonialists and Imperialists

For imperialist designs the imperialist class used fanaticism for their vested interests and rule. South Asia , Middle East , Central Asia were / are their centres. They invested billions of dollars on clergy and Pan Islamists groups and also organized militant groups. The result is unrest, bloodshed, hatred and sufferings of human beings.

After the tragic incident of the World Trade Centre, the imperialist class came in the flames of communalism and their actions have produced an alarming situation. Two centuries ago Shah Latif in his visionary and thoughtful verse warned them.

Lord! Fix not arrow in the bow to aim at me,

Yours may strike you, you being within me.

At present human race is losing faith in itself. We the people belong to a culture of tolerance, peace and love and feel that our Sufi culture can guide and help to get us out of the current dilemma in which we have fallen into. The dialogue and rational approach is a better way to understand and to solve the issue facing the human race. In my speech of 25 March 2008 at Geneva I said, and I quote:

‘I think there is no ‘clash of civilizations’ and religions but it is a clash of the imperialist class of various religions. And they are using religious bigotry for their vested interests.

Until and unless the imperialist class realises that they must play a positive role for interfaith harmony, the religious bigotry will rise day by day and human beings will suffer continuously.’

To create harmony among world religions would obviously need a number of steps and strategies to be adopted by leaders, both political and religious, the world over.

To achieve the main goal, we must bridge the gap among the Abrahamic and other religions (Sky and Earth religions). This in turn we will achieve when we think above caste, creed, class and material gain. And will shun ego and duality and would believe in unity in diversity.

As Shah Latif preached:

“Yogis losing self, aim to unite in soul universal

Those who seek abode in spacelessness, without them I cannot live.”

Our spiritual and material destination would be: Human being is superior and no religion higher than humanity. The great poets of Sindh Shah Latif narrated the superiority of human beings and relation of creator and creation in his following verses:

“That is not far from ‘this’ nor ‘this’ is without ‘that’

‘Man is my secret and I am his', this understand,

The seers and knowing ones went on repeating it.

Our basic faith must be humanity and entire creeds would be its offshoots.

I think an international organization of open-minded politicians, scholars and civil society can play a pivotal role. The role of Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Pope, Dalai Lama, clerks of Abrahamic and other religions and sitting and former Secretary Generals of UNO are very important. For this august gathering I am quoting a thoughtful verse of Shah Latif which shows his love for his homeland and rest of the world:

O my Lord! O mighty Power!

Ever on Sindh prosperity shower

O my friend! O God Almighty!

On all humanity bestow your bounty.

Long Live Humanity

18th September 2008 UN Office Building Room NO: 24
Arranged by Interfaith International

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Role of Sindh for confederation or Loose federation: Khadim Soomro's UN Speech

Role of Sindh for confederation or Loose federation

The Idea of confederation or loose federation is not a new one. Before partition of the Asian subcontinent the leadership of province of the Sindh - presented it, struggled for it and sacrificed for it. The mighty British empire under the imperialist designs; the All-India Congress and the All-India Muslim League opposed it and ignored it.

Even in personal capacity colonialist governor, Sir Hugh Dow appreciated the opinion of Sindh leaders and also he shows apprehensions. I quote:

‘Sindh was outside of the main current scenario of political thought in India ; Jinnah would through over the Sindhi Muslims and Gandhi the Sindhi Hindus, if it suited to them to do so.

The bold views of Sindh Leadership about loose federation felt by vested interests main hindrance for their future plan and they acted ruthlessly against them.

Premier of Sindh Allah Bux Soomro's government were toppled and he was dismissed by colonialist Governor Sir Hugh Dow on 10 October 1942 from premiership. Also he was assassinated on 14 May 1943.

Short while another nationalist hero and spiritual mentor Sayed Sibghatullah Shah Pir pagaro was put on the gallows on 20 March 1943.

Under the future plan and designs British were not sincere with honourable solution of communal question and their attitude became a disaster for south Asia .

On second April 1946 Sindh's nationalist leader Mr. G.M. Sayed in his meeting with cabinet mission and the viceroy presented his point of view that a loose federation of the Asian subcontinent is a better solution. Also he appealed to delegation.

If the delegation could not get the two parties (The All-India Congress and the All-India Muslim League) to agree they would not satisfy either side, and the British would have remained in subcontinent for some time to keep peace.

The British did not pay heed to the opinion of Sayed and they announced partition plan on 3 June 1947. The partition of South Asia took place on 14th August 1947 -- As a result millions innocent people were killed, property of worth billion dollars were destroyed and millions people became homeless and immigrants.

Also issue of Kashmir remains unsolved. During period of sixty years three wars and one battle of Kargil were fought between Pakistan and India and still two nuclear power states are at the verge of the war.

Above all love replaced by hatred and the beauty of South Asia , multi-cultural and multi-religious society was shattered.

The Asian-subcontinent was never been a country except during the rule of Ashok the Great, Mughal dynasty and the British empire .

South Asia is a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-lingual land and local states had own authorities and geographical boundaries. For Example Bengal was conquered by the British in 1757 and Sindh was conquered by the British in 1843, there was difference of 86 years.

The formula of centralisation was introduced by conquerors for their administrative necessities and this was unnatural act of the invaders against nations and cultures of the South Asia .

Until and unless the rights of nation states would not have accept by the vested interest powers the peace and socioeconomic progress would not have materialise and bloodshed and unrest should have continue and our coming generation will suffer. Six decades have gone but South Asia is without peace and prosperity and there is no sign of harmony.

It can be theorised if the Congress and the Muslim League leadership and the British administration had accepted the constitutional plan of Mr. G.M. Sayed, the division of the Punjab and the Bengal wouldn’t have taken place. A dispute like Kashmir would not have arisen and migration and killing of million of people and destruction of property worth million of rupees would not have transpired. Also the civilian rule would have continued in the western part of the subcontinent without the political role of the military and no communal-minded government could have gained power in the central and the eastern parts of the subcontinent. Also, the tragic incident of Bangladesh would not have occurred.

I think there is no solution of problems of South Asia except loose federation and as a successor of Muslim nationalists I am appreciating positive initiative of the countries, groups and individuals. I and Sindh people will support them.

Meeting was organised by Interfaith International
Room E3025 UNO office Building Geneva Switzerland

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